Version 1.10 changelog

Another one!

This will probably be the last 'feature' update for at least a few weeks.
A ton has changed over the last month, so it'd be nice to slow down and give everyone a chance to breathe and get used to the new functionality.
There's probably many new bugs that were introduced over the last few updates, so I also want to work on verifying that everything is working as expected.
I also want to get a game submitted for this EFPSE game jam that just started (you should join!)
In the meantime, if you experience any editor crashes ("Something went horribly wrong...") for *any* reason at all, I'd like to know about it so it can be fixed in the next update.

Fixes and minor changes/additions:

- Fixed the "disable culling" decoration setting
- Fixed a crash that could occur if your forgot to add a leading 0 in your script (eg; .2 instead of 0.2)
- Fixed a memory leak with particles
- Fixed an editor crash that could occur while closing the custom tile editor
- Fixed an issue that would cause ATTACK and SOUNDANDATTACK actions to affect attack range when a value other than 0 was specified.
- Fixed an editor crash that could occur while importing 3d models.
- Fixed a potential crash when loading a save game that had a lot of projectiles
- Fixed a bug that would cause a decoration/enemy to have a weapon's 3d model if they had the same name
- Fixed a bug in the scripting engine that caused precision to be limited to increments of 0.01 (eg; 0.007 would be rounded to 0.01)
- Fixed enemy projectile targeting while the player is crouched
- Fixed doubling of included custom column tiles when creating a new project
- Fixed a crash that could occur when spawning an enemy or decoration with a missing texture
- Improved documentation regarding FSM (missed actions and delay parameters)
- Number text boxes in the editor will no longer change by themselves while you're typing (especially noticable when typing negative values)
- Changed the 3d model creation dialogue to split decorations, enemies and weapons into categories.
- Items in the hud editor can now be dragged to change their position

More interesting additions

- Added a checkbox in the game configurator to disable the quicksave/quickload hotkeys
- Added "map return/quickreturn 2" will allow you to continue playing music *and* sound effects after the script ends
- The hud image command now takes an optional layer value, allowing you to stack images on top of eachother in any order you'd like.
- The SPAWN fsm action now also works for weapons.
- Added the HUDIMG action to the FSM. Works exactly the same as "hud image" in scripts, but makes it easier to animate things like weapon crosshairs, boss healthbars, etc..
- Made the ZOOM fsm action usable through scripts.
- Added command to check the player's x and y rotation
- Made weapon range customisable (2 is double range, 0.1 is 10%, etc..)
- Added fsm action and script command to adjust camera rotation speed/sensitivity (good for heavy weapons and locking the camera)
- Initial support for controller input. Natively supports xbox controllers. Sony/Nintendo/other controllers are currently only usable with DS4Windows or steaminput. Not rebindable yet, and menu navigation currently simulates a mouse rather than jumping between menu buttons.
- Added an armour system. Currently acts as a second health bar. A future update might allow it to absorb only a specified percentage of incoming damage, or act as a regenerative shield.
- Added support for mpeg1 video compression in the .vid format
I still want to support webm, but this was really easy to add thanks to this awesome single-header library
Mpeg1 decodes very quickly and has a much better size:quality ratio than the previous method.
You can expect to see similar visual quality at half the file size or less.
Don't forget to grab the latest ImgStreamCreator if you want to export an mpeg1.

I think that's everything worth talking about.
Don't forget to check out the jam if you haven't already.
It's only just started, so any extra people would be very welcome :)

See you in the next one.

- Fixed the vn/console rendering issues caused by 1.10.0
- Improved comment '//' parsing in scripts, so they are no longer parsed as parameters.
- Fixed the armour autohide HUD option not being saved
- Fixed weapon pos/scale not being saved
- Fixed a crash when setting weapon scale to a negative value
- Updated the default armour icons (thanks Grim Dev)
- Improved 'PROJECTILE' documentation

- Fixed z position alternating between positive and negative in the custom tile editor 
- Switch to an older version of xinput to maintain compatibility with windows vista and later

- Fixed wrong filename being set when importing a 3d model for a decoration or enemy.
- Fixed a crash when importing models if the 'Models' folder was deleted.
- Fixed weapon reloading inconsistency when RELOAD is jumped to or called from another state.
- Improved error-checking when importing terminal/trigger scripts
- Improved animated texture rendering with custom tiles.
- Removed old code for integration, networking libraries and lite-mode checks.
- Both the engine and editor are now digitally signed.
- map return/quickreturn 3 will allow you to continue playing scripted sfx without stopping the game's music.
    Technically that's a new feature (sorry?), but it's only two lines of code, took less than a minute to add, and can't cause bugs anywhere else if it's not used.

- Fixed 'disable culling' not working in some scenarios
- Fixed player speed command not working properly for increased speeds
- Fixed 3d model yaw not being applied when spawning entities with scripts
- Improved documentation about scripted light colours

Get Easy FPS Editor CE v1.10.4


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Thanks for your hard effort!

Hello, dear developer! I don't know if you've been told about this, but I found a flaw that doesn't allow me to specify a fractional number in the weapon size field in the tab "set position and scale"

(4 edits)

Hey! Thanks so much for picking up development on this incredible tool! (And to JessicoChan for their years of hard work!)

The newest download is giving me a "something went horribly wrong" error whenever I click "test game" or "test level."

The log says it cannot access Game.exe because it is in use by another process. But it's the only thing running. Happens on a fresh project with 1 Floor, 1 Wall, Square room that's empty except for Player Spawn.

Problem started happening on the last working version on my PC.  So I did a full restart and now it's fine. So I guess it was on my end.

[Also, I know you said it'd be a while before you focused on features again, but would just like to ask if reload animations could be added at some point? Right now it's possible by creating a weapon manually through scripting, but adding it to the editor would be awesome.]

Thanks again!


Updated at the speed of light, invincible

(1 edit) (+2)

awesome time to test out new update,happy crouch hit has been fixed! we can now safely add crouch in level development