Version 1.7 Patch Notes


The editor and engine are now built to be compatible with all versions of windows from Vista to 11.

If you see an error when starting your game, you'll need to install Visual C++ 2019 or later.

If you're unable to launch the editor, you may need to install .net 4.6.

Editor Changes

- Added an 8x zoom level for better visibility on high-resolution displays.
- Added a rectangle fill/erase mode when the control key is held.
- Spaces in names are now automatically converted to underscores when creating a new enemy/decoration/weapon.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when loading a floor/wall texture with a space in its name.

Engine Changes

Bug fixes

- Fixed an issue that would cause doors to be duplicated when loading a savefile.
- Fixed camera tilt setting being ignored.

Force mipmaps

Added the forcemipmaps config option to Config.ini.
Enabling this when texture interpolation is disabled will result in visuals similar to interpolated, but closer textures will appear sharper.
Here's a comparison between unfiltered and unfiltered+mipmaps.
And here's a comparison between interpolated and unfiltered+mipmaps.
Screenshots were taken from Evil Plush 3D by Crowhill Studios.

Finite State Machine

- Added the "CUSTOMPARTICLE" action which allows more advanced particle customisation, and uses a shared collection for all entities.
- SETVAR now allows you to read health and received damage information from the entity it's executing on.
- Added the "CLAMP" action to make it easier to limit a variable to a specified range without needing to jump between states.

Notably, these additions make it easier to add damage/crit indicators and multi-stage fights.

New scripting commands

- give/take key [number], to add/remove held keys.
- player sethp/setmaxhp [value], to set hp or maxhp without triggering hurt indicators.
- weapon [stat] [slot] [value], to modify weapon stats.
- added commands for checking the player's hp/keys/weapons.
- gravity [value], to change the current gravity.
- keeptrigger, prevents trigger from being deleted when its script finishes.

All FSM/Scripting changes are documented more thoroughly in the manual.

And that's all for the first update!
I'm looking forward to seeing what people do with these new abilities.

Let me know if you run into any bugs or issues, and I'll try to get them fixed asap.

Get Easy FPS Editor CE v1.10.5


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Very cool!

this is awesome loving the new updates very much need and i see so much is coming good camera tilt got fixed not all games have camera tilt


Ooh heck yes! So excited 🤘